Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It's Back On BE-OCH!!!!!!!!!

9 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good news. As far as I know everything may work out for my B-day. B. says she'll be coming after all. At this point in time I don't know how she is going to be able to swing it but she's found a way. Hopefully W. will be able to come up as well. At this point he said that he was going to try. I yet again find myself hopeful when he is concern. I am hoping that he will be able to come. That way I would be able to celebrate my B-day w/ 3 of my best friends. What more could a person want...well, maybe all my other friends to come and join us but I know it's a long drive.....and could name a few other things....but I will be nice.

Even better news is that since B. is coming for my B-day that I will be able to get my piercings!!!! OK, well, I say I'm excited. I will have to say that I was disappointed that I wasn't going to be able to get it done. I was looking at my jewelry that I had already bought and was hating that I was going to be able to use it for a while. Now I will be able to use it soon. YEA!!!! However, I will have to say that I am nervous about getting it done. I told B. that I had to get it done first so that I would actually go through w/ it. B/c if I watch her get it done and she screams I will probably be tempted to back out. However, if I get it done first I will not be able to back out. Plus, I like pain more than B.

Anyway, so plans are back to normal and lots of fun w/ friends will be had.

9 more days!!!!

1 comment:

patience said...


I am too freakin excited!!!

I am quite hurt though that when I said "guess who's coming" your bitch ass said "will?" Am I not important enough???? Of course I am. I am the most important thing in your life. HEY! I SAID I WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE! JUST AGREE WITH IT AND LET ME THINK IT!!!

I am going to bring you a Xanax to take before your piercing. That way if the adrenalin is too much you won't back down and regret it later. I know you will love it though. I doubt you will back down. I mean, my "wild" influence will still be upon you!!!