Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Count Down Begins

AH...30 days until I'm the big 25! Ok, so for the first time since I was 7 I actually have birthday plans. My 7th B-day was the last time that I had an actual party that I knew about w/ a few of the special ppl in my life. Actually I have plans for the weekend of my b-day and the weekend before so it should be really fun. However, I will have to say that I had a surprise b-day party for my 17th b-day. That was loads of fun and funny as h*ll b/c I actually helped plan it b/c I thought it was for someone else....and it was...but it was also for my b-day and I didn't know it until they brought out the cake w/ my name on it as well. Talk about feeling like an idiot. Yea...that was But this one I actually get to have the ppl around that I want and go to the bars and do what I want and all that stuff...loads of fun. That is something that I didn't even get to do for my 21st b-day. I think that is part of the reason the everyone sees it as a challenge to get my drunk, and we all know how much B. loves a little competition. Bring it on girlie. We shall see.

So this past weekend was very cool. I ended up doing a little of it all. I shopped w/ mom (always worth the trip), hung out w/ B. and reminisced about "the good 'ole days" and went to the bar and let her get her buzz on. Then we went to church on Sunday and out to lunch and then she went out w/ R. and I to dinner. That was cool. Then she and Mr. V. went back to her house and crashed and I went back to R.'s house for a few min. I even had to do some consoling while I was home this weekend. reassurance is apparently something I am good at although I hate doing it. Especially in the situations that I end up getting myself in. I may be a B*tch but when you put a few tears in on me I am just like any man and I hesitate and start to feel really sorry when I have just as good a reason to maintain being a total b*tch. Sometimes I wish I could do just that...but for some reason I continue to be an old softie. (sshhhhh don't tell anyone though).

So I am now back in Athens and am back at work. Life is back to normal once again, or at least as normal as it has ever been...which isn't very..but hey...I like it. I should be here until the weekend of Feb 7th when I go home for my nephew's b-day and then the two weekend following I will have company which will be here to help me celebrate my b-day. YEA!!!!! Will definitely let you guys know how those two weekends go. Especially the weekend of my b-day. Feb 17th is my b-day and B. will hopefully be here, then the 18th she and I go up to Royceston and get our nips pierced, then we go to ATL and go out w/ L. and party til we drop. Til then, will keep you posted on the boring and mundane.

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