I will be the first to admit that I never expected it to be this way. I didn't expect to be so attached to an animal. I mean, come on, I grew up w/ dogs all my life. I raised them from puppies and spent restless summer afternoons running in the dirt and sun w/ them, cried when they died, and attempted to make sure they had a proper burial. They were well loved, well fed, cared for and spoiled - But they were pets. They were dogs.
I didn't realize the impact AUSTIN had on both R. and I until this past weekend. This weekend my oldest brother got married. Those of you who know LG know how he is, and for those of you who don't just understand that in many ways he is grossly uninformed but absolutely comfortable with that.
As is customary at weddings we were all getting ready to take a family picture. As R. and I are walking up, my brother informed me he didn't want "the dog" in the picture. To this I just look and Mom and said, "What!?" To which my mom restated, "He doesn't want Austin in the picture." Once I picked my jaw up, I was livid to the point of tears. But since it was his wedding day I gave him what he wanted. I held it together long enough to inform R., who was likewise appalled, make sure that AUSTIN was in the hands of a trusted friend, and take the necessary photos before I walked out and broke down out of anger, embarrassment, and disgust that my brother could be so insensitive (though admittedly knowing him I should know better). I realize that he may not be informed and educated on the etiquette of what it means to have a guide dog. But to R. and me, it was like telling an amputee that you wanted them in your picture but they couldn't wear their prosthetic. We felt like LG was saying, yea you're family but I'm ashamed that you're blind. It was at that point that R. and I both realized just exactly what AUSTIN meant to us both, which for me was a shocker.
I knew that it would be a huge impact to our lives. I knew that having a Leader Dog would not be like having a normal dog and that it would come to mean so much more. But I wasn't expecting this type of reaction from myself, especially after so short a time.
So to all friends and family, you should know - AUSTIN is a member of our family. To deny AUSTIN is to deny us. If AUSTIN is with us, which he usually is, and you want to take a picture; AUSTIN will be in it or you'll just have to take the picture from waist up or crop him out yourself. From here on out, I don't care if it's your wedding or not, that's how it will be. If you don't like it, don't invite us. That's just how I see it.
I love my brother, but I am yet to see him put on a harness and guide my husband around all day to make sure he doesn't trip on a curb, run into a wall, or get hit by a car. AUSTIN on the other hand....well, he's my HERO.