Monday, May 23, 2011


If only the Farm Boy knew the wisdom within those words:

I guess I grew up in a very different world.  Possibly in a time paradox all my own that seems to surpass any concept understood by few below the age of 25. I grew up with a blatant understanding that family would always let you know what their opinion was about something you said or did and if you didn't want their opinion you shouldn't have made what ever it was public.  However, I also always knew that I could always do my own thing and have my own opinion and no matter how much I screwed up and how different my opinion was from what my family though, they would still be there for me when I needed them. 

That being said; FB has become another way to both keep up and watch out for your family.  So for those overly opinionated or concerned family members there is the beauty of being able to limit what is viewed and by whom; which admittedly comes in handy.  I also understand that I am a very blunt person and not everyone is appreciative of that, but if you don't want my opinion on something, don't make it public.  So because I am so publicly honest I understand if a family member or even friend decides to limit what I may or may not view and admittedly, knowing some of my friends/family, I may even appreciate it. However, if you consider a person to be family or a friend you don't delete that person.  There are several reason for this both for yourself and that person.  You never know when something might happen and that said person might need to get in touch with you about something, or you might want to know what's going on with, let's say for example, your sick brother because everyone knows that when he's in the hospital the easiest way to get an update on when he's in/out of surgery or tests or whatever before you MAY decide to call is to check his wife's FB.  But if you have deleted said wife you may not be able to get information as easily.  It's also a huge slap in the face quite honestly. 

Maybe it's just me, but if someone I had to interact with on a regular basis, and who was family or considered themselves my friend, was to be so rude as to delete me I would give them what they wanted.  It would be assumed that if you deleted me, you have no interest in anything I have to say. Therefore, being the obligatory person I can be, you would no longer have to worry about hearing what I had to say.  In fact, you could probably hang up having just about any conversation with me for a while.  Admittedly I tend to stew on things, and it's not until things in my head have settled down to a simmer that it is even a good idea to consider approach.  So for those family/friends who no longer wish to hear what I have to say:  It's like my Papa Nichols always said, "I may not be able to do much for you, but if you just want to be left alone, I can definitely do that."  So consider it done.


TheUnSoccerMom said...

I'm w/ Papa Nichols... he sounds like a smart man.

I would ask her what the deal is. Sometimes it just boils down to a misunderstanding, sometimes you're just dealing w/ an idiot. And you know what they say about arguing w/ idiots. It can't be done.

ps. I LOVE that I have to "agree to proceed" to read your blog. Makes me feel like I'm being bad... ;o)

Unknown said...

You're right Jodi and yea....Papa Nichols had his profound moments.

P.S. It is my way of saying - "You've been warned..." I guess, since ya never really know what kind of craziness I'm going to post. lol.