When engaging our children there are certain rules to remember. Each of us has a different opinion of how to do things and go about them depending on how we are raised. There are things that happen throughout our lives that change this perspective. However, there are things that I want to remember should my perspective change. I was inspired after reading Tori Spelling's book Mommywood to write these down lest I forget. I will continue to add to this list through the years for that reason and to allow me to see exactly how my perspective changes. Only time will tell. Some of the things I will write will be based on how I was raised; while others will be written because of things I have seen others do that I don't agree with or want to fall prey to. Please feel free to express your opinion and thoughts on these and share your perspective. Who knows - you might changes someone else’s for the better in the process,
So my rules are as follows:
Appropriate dress:
- I will NOT dress my child like a miniature prostitute.
- Kids will be kids and cloths are washable. Kids will get dirty and that's okay. But if we're going to town, the doctor, church, or something of the sort I will at least try to make sure they're clean when we leave the house.
Internet safety:
- IF I feel my teenager can appropriately wear a a bikini and not fall out of it and be appropriately covered (none of those string things), I will not post a full body pictures of her in said bikini on a website. She can be just as cute while dressed. You never know who is looking at your pictures or who might somehow gain access to them.
- I will not post pictures of my child naked on the internet no matter how cute it may be. My family can wait to see those pics when they come visit.
- The internet isn't a private space....your use of it isn't either. No I don't want to be in my kids business but at the same time I know the dangers of the internet. My children's use of it will be monitored.
- I will know my childrens friends, their home phone number, their cell phone number, and their parents. There are OH SO MANY reasons for this. Besides, it's so easy to keep this information accessible - just keep the phone synced to your computer.